TRIResults - Historical Triathlon Results


I started working on TRIresults in 2003 as a personal project. Initially I wanted to have results for all Ironman and Ironman qualifying times in one place. The idea was to see the results and run reports on qualifying times. My goal was help people find all the qualifying times for Ironman World Championship in Kona by age group. For example, I could run a report to see all qualifying times for M30-34 per year or per event for all event years. It was fun! Later I expanded the results to many other, not Ironman related events.

I always enjoyed this project but it took a lot of time to collect, clean and add the results. After about a decade of working on TRIResults, I decided to put it on hold and concentrate on other things.

Another decade went by and we are now in 2024. Once again I have more free time and I still have the results that I collected back then. During the last two decades internet sites have only gotten more bloated; looking for triathlon results, from what I can tell, has become an unpleasant experience. So, I decided to bring a "skinnier" version of back online.

As the first step, I plan to restore all the results I had before. I will make the site fast and simple (no bloat!), so you can easily see all event results on one page. Then I might start adding results for missing years. If you want to be notified when I add new results, please use the RSS feed.

Happy training!

Monero XMR Monero (XMR):